ScienCell ECM 1001 Endothelial Cell Medium 內皮細胞培養基 產品英文名稱:ScienCell ECM 1001 Endothelial Cell Medium 產品中文名稱:ScienCell ECM 1001內皮細胞培養基
1001 ScienCell 內皮細胞培養基(ECM)是專門為正常人類微血管內皮細胞體外培養設計的zui適于其生長的*培養基。*配制的培養基包括基礎培養基和添加劑ECGS, FBS and P/S。 ScienCell 1001產品概述 ScienCell 1001 ECM內皮細胞培養基是經滅菌的液體培養基,包含必需和非必需氨基酸、維生素、有機和無機化合物、激素、生長因子(ECGSECGF)、微量礦物質和低濃度胎牛血清(5%)。內皮細胞培養基(ECM)緩沖體系為重碳酸鹽,在含5%CO2的細胞培養箱中平衡后pH值為7.4。內皮細胞培養基(ECM)的配方能夠選擇性的促進正常人類微血管內皮細胞體外培養中的增殖和生長,并為其達到營養平衡狀態提供數量上和質量上的保證。 內皮細胞培養基1001 訂購信息 品牌 | 貨號 | 產品描述 | 包裝 | ScienCell | 1001 | 內皮細胞培養基包含500ml基礎培養基,25ml胎牛血清,5ml內皮細胞生長因子和5 ml青霉素/鏈霉素溶液 | 500mL |
Sciencell 1001 內皮細胞培養基儲存和運輸 ——儲存 基礎培養基:4℃。ECGS, FBS and P/S 溶液:-20℃。避光。 ——運輸 基礎培養基:室溫。添加劑:干冰。 產品組份 Sciencell 1001 內皮細胞培養基包括:500mL基礎培養基,25mL FBS,5mL內皮細胞生長因子(ECGS),5mL penicillin/streptomycin solution。 注意:FBS, ECGS 和P/S沒有預混好。要配制完整的ECM培養基需要分別添加。 使用 Sciencell 1001 內皮細胞培養基僅供科研使用。 1001 ECM Instructions for Use Thaw ECGS, FBS and P/S solution at 37oC. Gently tilt the tubes several times to ensure the contents are compley mixed before adding to the medium. Spray the medium bottle and tubes with 70% ethanol, and wipe to remove excess liquid. In a sterile field, remove the caps withouttouching the interior threads with fingers. Add ECGS, FBS and P/S solution to the medium and mix well. Since several components are light-labile, the medium should not be exposed to light for extended periods. We do not recommend warming medium in a 37oC water bath prior to use.When stored in the dark at 4oC, the reconstituted medium is stable for one month. ——1001 內皮細胞培養基使用說明: ECGS, FBS and P/S 溶液37℃溶解。加入培養基前試管彈撥幾次使內容物充分溶解。培養基瓶子和試管用70%酒精消毒。無菌環境中,開蓋時注意不要讓手指碰到內壁。添加ECGS, FBS and P/S 到培養基并且充分混勻。由于多種成分是光不穩定的,培養基要避光使用。使用前不推薦用37℃水浴加熱培養基。避光4℃保存時,重新配制的培養基能穩定放置1個月。 ScienCell 內皮細胞培養基1001 Endothelial Cell Medium ECM及其他內皮細胞培養基產品歡迎您致電 重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司 , : 內皮細胞簡介 內皮細胞(Endothelial cell)是一薄層的專門上皮細胞,組成血管的內壁,表CD31+/CD105+和血管內皮生長因子(VEGF)等。它是一種高度活躍的細胞,除了屏障作用,也分泌介質調節炎癥、血管舒縮和血管生成重建。一旦發生功能障礙會引發多種疾病,包括動脈粥樣硬化、冠狀動脈病、高血壓和炎癥病。內皮細胞產品可用于血管疾病模型構建、藥物篩選和血管組織工程等。
內皮干細胞(Endothelial stem cells ,ESCs)是骨髓中除造血干細胞、間充質干細胞外的第三種干細胞,具有分化成多種細胞類型的專能性(multipotent)。經過中間干細胞——內皮祖細胞的過渡,zui終分化成內皮細胞。 ScienCell介紹 ScienCell Research Laboratories is an expanding biotechnology company established in 1999. Our mission is to research and develop cell products for experimental and therapeutic use. ScienCell provides a variety of high quality normal human and animal cells, cell culture media and reagents, gene analysis tools, cell-derived molecular biology products, cell-based assay kits, and stem cell products for the research community. To complement our vast array of primary human and animal cells, we offer specialty medium designed to selectively promote unique cell growth, including STEMium, which allows for the optimal growth of human pluripotent stem cells under feeder-free conditions. The Scientists at ScienCell are studying and developing cell therapeutic strategies to significantly improve the quality of life for patients with degenerative diseases. ScienCell 實驗室成立于1999年。致力于研究和開發實驗和治療所需細胞產品。 ScienCell提供了一系列高質量的正常人和動物細胞,細胞培養基和試劑,基因分析工具,細胞來源分子生物學產品,細胞分析試劑盒,以及干細胞產品。 ScienCell為選擇性培養促進特定細胞生長提供了特殊培養基,比如無飼養層條件人促進人多能干細胞的*生長培養基。 ScienCell ECM內皮細胞培養基1001 Endothelial Cell Medium 及其他內皮細胞培養基產品歡迎您致電 重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司 , : |