重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司 , : 華雅集團旗下授權代理TTAKARA Cellartis干細胞產品 圖片為展示效果。實際產品為細胞株+培養基套裝 人iPS誘導多能干細胞 (Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells) 產品英文名稱:Cellartis® Human iPS Cell Lines 產品中文名稱:Cellartis® 人iPS誘導多能干細胞 Cellartis人iPS細胞(Human iPS Cell Line)產品是達到了工業客戶使用標準生產的干細胞產品。該產品包括細胞和用于增殖培養的Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System培養體系。iPS細胞已經在制品化時完成了對DEF-CS培養體系的適應。Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System培養體系是組分明確而且不依賴飼養層的便捷的干細胞培養體系。Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System適合高效率地增殖培養干細胞,并且保持干細胞在增殖過程中幾乎無分化地生長,這使得不需要在大規模增殖培養過程中進行細胞篩選。因此,Cellartis人iPS細胞(Human iPS Cell Line)產品是一套完整的產品體系,對于科研級別和工業規模的需求都適合。 Cellartis人iPS誘導多能干細胞特點 ☆細胞系通過使用缺陷型多順反子逆轉錄病毒(defective polycistronic retrovirus)技術重編程人皮膚成纖維細胞以轉入Oct-4,SOX2,KLF4和c-Myc ☆細胞系的純度和干細胞特征經過廣泛分析,包括解凍后的恢復,支原體和細菌檢測,干細胞特異性標記物的表達(Oct-4,NANOG,SSEA-3,SSEA-4,TRA-1 -60,TRA-1-81),不表達分化標記(β-3微管蛋白,FOXA2,ASMA)和預期核型 ☆用Cellartis DEF-CS培養系統優化培養,試劑盒包括Cellartis DEF-CS 100培養系統 ☆適用于所有主要應用; 細胞在分化時可以分化形成所有三個胚層的衍生物 Cell lines were created by reprogramming human skin fibroblasts using defective polycistronic retrovirus technology to deliver Oct-4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-Myc Cell lines are extensively analyzed for purity and stem-cell characteristics, including recovery after thawing, absence of mycoplasma and bacteria, expression of stem cell-specific markers (Oct-4, NANOG, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81), absence of differentiation markers (Beta-3 tubulin, FOXA2, ASMA), and expected Karyotype Optimized for culture with the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System Suitable for all major applications; cells can form derivatives of all three germ layers when differentiated Kits include the Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System Cellartis 人iPS誘導多能干細胞參數 不同貨號對應供體年齡性別冷凍代數和已確認分化能力
iPS誘導多能干細胞的應用 細胞治療、藥物監測和疾病模型 Cellartis 人iPS誘導多能干細胞組份 不同供體的iPS細胞系和DEF-CS 100*培養基 *培養基包含基礎培養基、添加劑和包被劑。 保存:細胞 ≤ –150°C,添加劑 –20°C,基礎培養基和包被劑4 °C。 A. Cellartis Human iPS Cell Lines Cellartis human iPS cell line P11025 (Cat. No. Y00180, not sold separay; sold as a part of Cat.No. Y00185) Cellartis human iPS cell line P11032 (Cat. No. Y00220, not sold separay; sold as a part of Cat.No. Y00225) Cellartis human iPS cell line 4 (ChiPSC4) (Cat. No. Y00260, not sold separay; sold as a part of Cat. No. Y00265) Cellartis human iPS cell line 7 (ChiPSC7) (Cat. No. Y00270, not sold separay; sold as a part of Cat. No. Y00275) Cellartis human iPS cell line 12 (ChiPSC12) (Cat. No. Y00280, not sold separay; sold as a part of Cat. No. Y00285) Cellartis human iPS cell line 18 (ChiPSC18) (Cat. No. Y00300, not sold separay; sold as a part of Cat. No. Y00305) Cellartis human iPS cell line 21 (ChiPSC21) (Cat. No. Y00310, not sold separay; sold as a part of Cat. No. Y00315) Cellartis human iPS cell line 22 (ChiPSC22) (Cat. No. Y00320, not sold separay; sold as a part of Cat. No. Y00325) B. Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System · Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System (Cat. No. Y30020, not sold separay; sold as a part of Cat.Nos. Y00185, Y00225, Y00265, Y00275, Y00285, Y00305, Y00305, and Y00315. A larger 500ml version of this product is sold as Cat. No. Y00310.) o DEF-CS Basal Medium (100 ml) o DEF-CS COAT-1 (for 100 ml) (800 µl) o DEF-CS GF-1 (for 100 ml) (300 µl) o DEF-CS GF-2 (for 100 ml) (100 µl) o DEF-CS GF-3 (for 100 ml) (40 µl) 另行準備材料:PBS+TrypLE 選擇酶+TC處理ps表面培養器皿 The following materials are required but not supplied: · PBS Dulbecco's with Ca2+ & Mg2+ (D-PBS +/+) · PBS Dulbecco's without Ca2+ or Mg2+ (D-PBS –/–) · TrypLE Select Enzyme (1X), no phenol red · Cell culture vessels, Tissue culture treated polystyrene surface · General cell culture equipment used in cell culture laboratory 參考文獻: 1. de Peppo GM, et al. Osteogenic potential of human mesenchymal stem cells and human embryonic stem cell-derived mesodermal progenitors: a tissue engineering perspective. Tissue Eng Part A.2010 Nov;16(11):3413-3426. 2. Both SK, et al. Differential bone-forming capacity of osteogenic cells from either embryonic stem cells or bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. J Tissue Eng Regen Med.2011 Mar;5(3):180-190. 3. de Peppo GM, et al. Free-form-fabricated commercially pure Ti and Ti6A14V Porous Scaffolds support the growth of human embryonic stem cell-derived mesodermal progenitors. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:646417.Epub 2012 Jan 4. 4. Ou Li, et al. Human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal stroma cells(hES-MSCs) engraft in vivo and support hematopoiesis without suppression immune function: implications for off –the shelf ES-MSC therapies. PLOS ONE.2013; 8(1):e55319. Cellartis 人iPS誘導多能干細胞訂購信息 不同貨號的區別:iPS細胞供體不同 品牌 | Code No. | 包裝量 | 價格 | Cellartis | Y00185 | 1 Kit | 22718 元 | Cellartis | Y00275 | 1 Kit | 22718 元 | Cellartis | Y00285 | 1 kit | 22718 元 | Cellartis | Y00315 | 1 Kit | 22718 元 | Cellartis | Y00325 | 1 kit | 22718 元 | Cellartis | Y00305 | 1 Kit | 22718 元 |
?華雅集團旗下授權代理TTAKARA Cellartis干細胞產品,Cellartis的多能細胞培養系統包括iPS誘導多能干細胞株、iPS誘導多能干細胞和ES胚胎干細胞培養基,iPS基因編輯用單細胞克隆培養基和多能細胞檢測用單克隆抗體。 重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司以“專注干細胞研究,提升干細胞品質”為發展理念,專業從事干細胞基礎研究、干細胞再生醫學臨床應用研究及干細胞技術服務,自主研發產品熱賣中:人間充質干細胞無血清培養基 , : |